Why Use Tower Freezer Labels?

Tower Freezer labels are useful to date homemade foods and leftovers, claim shared freezer goods in a shared kitchen, brand frozen food packaging, add cooking instructions to your container, clarify pricing and product details, or package shipments for transport.

Why are they different from regular labels?

TOWER freezer labels adhere when frozen, unlike standard labels, which fall off because general-purpose glue deadens in cold temperatures. They withstand cold, do not absorb moisture and best of all will stick on just about anything; aluminium foil, plastic containers, freezer bags, glass and more.

Use an ordinary pen or marker to write the date, contents and other notes on the label as they won’t smudge or fade. Useful for labeling meat packs, vegetable Bags, baby bottles and Tupperware.

Sizes available are 40mm x 13mm and 32mm x 50mm


Handy Tip!

Are you a meal prepper? If not, are you keen to try it? Here are 3 tips to get you started:

#1    Make sure you have enough containers. One container = one meal.

#2    Mix things up:
 Prepare 2 or 3 different meals and alternate these     

#3    Label your containers

This is why Tower freezer labels are a perfect choice for labeling your frozen goods. Be sure to also record the date the item is prepped and frozen to avoid consuming something that has been in the freezer too long. This is especially important if you’re meal prepping for babies and children.

Go on, give them a try today!